10 x ROI with Local SEO

Local Business Success for Financial Services

How do I increase local enquiries?

How to increase local enquiries was the big question that drove Ruahine Finance to partner with us. Daiman (Director of Ruahine Finance) was running a part time Mortgage Brokerage business but wanted to be able to focus on his business full time and he was in stiff competition with local franchise operators. He also wanted to be a known Melbourne business in his community and to grow his mortgage brokerage with a solid client base in nearby suburbs.

Our 4 Step Approach To 10 X Local Enquiries 

01. Website Review - are you engaging your client?

We established that the website was visually and functionally stable, but could do with some revamping on the home page. We noticed that the business ‘what we do’ was front and centre. As online competition increases, what you do leads to a price comparison, but does not add the value that has clients saying yes before they think of price.

02. Supercharged Copy - know those SEO key terms

We changed the copy to ensure that the clients were engaged and there were plenty of ways to take action and contact the brokerage. This included phone number, email and location information.

This was also rolled out in the local Google my Business entry, which is key to our Local SEO strategy.

03. Answer a need - the superjuice your clients love

After a little research we also added a page for mortgage calculators, which was a high priority on search but a unique difference on a mortgage broker website.

This gave potential clients a solution to their problem before they even looked at a broker, which of course led to increased enquiries because the solution and the ability to call Ruahine are right there in the same place.

04. Position Position Position - getting those #1 rankings

We then engaged in a year long campaign of local SEO, to raise the local profile and give this broker the authority that the local franchise brands, such as Aussie Homeloans, already had.

Results: Competing With Bigger Businesses

We gained first page results for local SEO marketing. This compound as the business receives more visibility through Google my Business, monthly additional directory listings, website SEO work and user friendly feedback features.

Before Local SEO

Ruahine Finance was getting Zero leads from google.

Biggest problems?

After Local SEO

The business has become full time, and now employs additional staff.

They report a 10 x ROI on their SEO investment.
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Do You Want Local Success?

I want a proven method to grow my local business enquiries.